Saturday, February 11, 2012

Blog Assignment 3

For this blog assignment our first video to watch was "Technology in Special Education". It really opened my eyes to a world that I had been so naive of. All this time I focused on how computers would effect a child, not help a child. If I viewed technology more as a resource than a gadget or toy I think I would get more out of it.
To see all those students in special needs thrive academically because of technology really is such an amazing sight. I had no idea how much help computers could do. It really seemed to create a better, simpler environment for the students and improved their daily lives. This video has shed some light on a subject that I wish I had already known about. I will definitely think of this particular video down the line when I have a class of my own someday, and will highly encourage any technology usage for any special needs kids I have the privilege of teaching in the future.

I chose the app "Math Bingo" to use as an example for using the Ipad apps in the classroom. Math Bingo has a range for all ages. It creates a fun learning environment for the students by challenging them with equations and then finding the answer on their bingo board. So they not only have to solve the problem but they have to find the correct answer on the board. This app would especially be beneficial to special needs students because, like we saw in the first video above, some special needs students are non-verbal. With the app "Math Bingo" they don't have to feel inadequate or deal with the frustration of communicating. They can simply learn at their own pace on their own Ipad tablet.

When viewing this chart, it's incredible to imagine all of those laptops, computer screens, keyboards, and even little keys. It's even crazier to realize that the number literally skyrockets every second of every day. In ten years I hope to be teaching somewhere, but looking at these numbers it makes me wonder what teaching in ten years would look like. Would it look the same as the past one hundred years as illustrated in the "Mr. Winkle Wakes" video? Or will it be full of 50" Ipad smart boards and flying cars?
Okay, so flying cars may be a bit much but you get the point. Technology really is taking the world by storm. Although the education system isn't quite consumed in it yet, we definitely are getting our feet wet. It's kind of a scary thought to think, will our jobs still be there? Will computers and online courses take over our career paths? This chart brings up so many questions about the future of our school systems.

The last video for this assignment was "A Vision of Students Today" by Michael Wesch. Once again, my eyes have been opened. The most intriguing part of this short film was that they were real college students, sitting in a real classroom, and dealing with real problems that we all face around the world. A lot of truth was told in this video. The stresses of getting into college, surviving college, and having mounds of debt after college keep increasing day by day. Not only do we have to work our butts off to pay for school and maintain good grades, now we have to worry about even being able to get an interview for a job that your degree is in.
As a future teacher I see these students and the expressions (or lack there of) on their faces and it really makes me feel for them. Regardless of how intelligent you are or how much of a social butterfly you can be college is still hard for every student on some level. I think it's our jobs as teachers to be understanding of this and view our students as people and not numbers or another grade in the grade book. The last thing anyone needs, college student or not, is to feel invisible or misunderstood. So as educators we should challenge our students to be the best that we know they can be, yet with a kind heart and understanding attitude.

1 comment:

  1. "It really opened my eyes to a world that I had been so naive of. All this time I focused on how computers would effect a child, not help a child. If I viewed technology more as a resource than a gadget or toy I think I would get more out of it." First, let's do a rewrite on this sentence. Don't end a sentence with a preposition. So sentence one would best be written: It really opened my eyes to a world of which I had not been aware. In sentence two effect should be affect. These two words are constantly mixed up. Look up their definitions.

    And now a comment on the last sentence of yours that I have quoted. It is our responsibility as educators to teach students to use technology as an extremely powerful tool for learning rather than for entertainment. Otherwise our students may "amuse themselves to death." That is what Neil Postman argued in his 1980 book Amusing Ourselves to Death. He was talking about TV but his argument also applies to technology of all sorts today.

    Do the classes shown in the Wesch video " challenge our students to be the best that we know they can be." If not, why can we do about it?

    What about your comments on the material assigned for the peer review portion of this assignment?
